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Heroes: Supers of Project 12: Reverse Harem Heroes
Heroes: Supers of Project 12: Reverse Harem Heroes Read online
Supers of Project 12 (Book 4)
Angel Lawson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
The Supers of Project 12
Angel Lawson
The roof of the cabin peeks out of the towering trees. Well, cabin is the wrong word. Mansion? Cabin-mansion? Rural lodge? Whatever it was called, it was gorgeous. Massive, luxurious.
And private. So very, very private.
Astrid steps out of the car and inhales the glorious scent of pine and fresh air. No smog, no pollution, no people or crowds. There was nothing around them but trees, a clear lake, and the mountains surrounding them.
She could get used to this.
Three men follow her out of the car, stretching their arms and legs after the long drive. She watches them, taking in their bodies. Each are different but possess peak physical condition. Muscles line their limbs. Their biceps swell, their pecs curve. Their shoulders and backs are sleek planes of strength. They can run, jump, climb, and punch. The men are strong and limber, having spent hours training and pushing their bodies to peak condition.
Quinn is blessed with more muscles than a Greek god and a soul kinder than a saint. He was Astrid’s first real lover. The one that showed her there was more than just a lonely, solitary life. He yields kinetic electrical manipulation. He can shut down an entire city like an EMP.
Owen, with his floppy blond hair and lean, sexy body. He’s fun, and falling for him has been one of the most liberating aspects of her new life. His ability is illusion manipulation. He can make a person think they see almost anything. He can also alter space and time. The actual fabric of reality.
Then there’s Draco. Her eyes skim over every inch of the newest member of their team. He’s Mr. Perfect in body and mind. He smells like sugar. He feels like sin. He’s strong. Fast. Smart. Calculating, and Astrid’s dying to get him into bed.
She’s not planning on waiting much longer.
And Astrid? Well, she’s an empath. She reads people’s echoes; their memories, their thoughts, and feels their actual emotions. She can sense them. Manipulate them. Control them.
They’re genetically superior—altered humans. Each born with a gift that was later exploited and enhanced by doctors looking to push their abilities. Those gifts came with a price.
And that’s why they’re on this mountain top. It’s why they’re taking a break—for themselves and for the city they protect. They need a minute to rest and recoup; to heal their bodies and brains.
They need their strength.
And as they’ve learned that strength is maximized when they’re together and up here, nothing will get in their way.
“So this is Demetria’s little cabin in the woods?” Owen asks. His hands are on his hips and he looks up at the massive wood home with expansive windows overlooking the green lake below. “She doesn’t half-ass anything, does she?”
“No,” Draco replies, “she really doesn’t.”
“How did you even know about this place?” Quinn asks.
“She hosted a corporate retreat up here last year. All the toy makers and designers.” He lifts luggage out of the back of the SUV. “Seemed like a good place to go off the grid for a while.”
Go off the grid. That’s the plan, but laughter from the back seat of the van grabs their attention.
Astrid leans into the car and finds Casper still tucked in the back seat, eyes on his laptop. “Plan on joining us?”
“You k-k-know nature gives me hives.”
No, she didn’t know that and no, that isn’t even true.
There’s a fourth man in their group. Real name: Cedric. Code name: Casper or the Goblin. He’s their brains. Their organizer. He’s gifted with cyberkinesis and the ability to hack into pretty much any computer or technical system that exists. He’s their eyes and ears. He’s also lived the past several years in a bunker, hiding out from society. He’s quirky and a little obnoxious, and has a pretty challenging stutter.
Astrid’s brought him up here to help him heal too. He’s one of them if he accepts it or not.
“You said there’s an office?” she asks Draco.
“Yep. Come on, Cas,” he says, encouraging him out of the car. He relents, grabbing his big bag of tech. Okay, a few of them were going off the grid. Casper? Not a chance.
She watches Owen and Draco lead him into the building, Owen’s voice echoing in the massive foyer. Astrid slings her bag over her shoulder and walks over to the edge of the driveway where it overlooks a path leading to the lake. A dock bobs in the smooth water and a small boathouse sits on the edge of the property.
Quinn follows her and she sighs when he wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder.
“You really think this is a good idea?” she asks. Leaving the city is a risky move. Rowe is still missing. They have no idea who his boss is or what his major plans are. Quinn’s hands tighten around her stomach.
“I think this is fantastic idea.” He kisses her neck. “You need a break. We all need a break. What we went through with Rowe was pretty intense.”
“He’s still out there.”
“We’ll get him. Just not today. Or tomorrow. Right now, we need a little R&R.”
She twists her head and kisses along his jaw. He’s right and she knows it. “Does one of those Rs stand for ’release’?”
Being with these guys made her pretty freaking horny.
He smiles. “It can stand for whatever you want it to, but if you need a release, you know where to come.”
The bedroom looks like something out of a magazine—a fancy one—not the Disney Princess insanity of Demetria’s home. This place was for show, probably an opportunity to convince the world she wasn’t insane. Heavy, dark wood furniture, wood plank floors with plush rugs. The walls are a creamy gray. A big window with a private deck. A huge stone fireplace takes up one whole wall.
And then there’s the bed.
King-sized with bedding fancier than that on Draco’s. The duvet is thick, soft. The pillows are massive and fluffy. Astrid runs her hand down the fabric and exhales. She really did need a vacation.
The house is big enough for everyone to have their own room, each one on the second floor where the views are insane. They voted to let h
er have this one—the master. She drops her bag on the bed and unzips it, digging around for her hoodie. Tossing a few things on the bed, she finds the one she wants tucked deep inside. She kicks off her shoes and walks out to the deck, inhaling more of that clean winter air. It’s cold, but one floor below on the main deck she spots something that warms her right up.
A hot tub.
An image of her surrounded by shirtless, wet men flashes in her mind and she’s no longer cold. Jesus, she’ll definitely be making use of that hot tub later.
A heartbeat at the door draws her attention away from the outdoors and she looks back, finding Owen smiling in the entry. Her heart pitter-patters at the sight of him.
“Hey,” he says, eyes landing on the messy bed. “Just came to check on you. Did you really already make a mess in here?”
“What? I’m just getting comfortable.”
He laughs. “Living in chaos is not getting comfortable.”
“It is to me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Draco’s making a fire in the huge fireplace downstairs, and Quinn is working on some kind of organic, protein-filled dinner. You know he has to eat by six or his muscles breakdown or something.”
She wrinkles her nose. “Sounds delicious.”
He laughs again and they meet in front of the fireplace. Astrid shivers from being on the porch and he runs his hands up and down her arms. In a low voice he says, “Don’t worry. I packed us a box of chips and candy and even a bag of those gross powdered donuts you love so much. Oh, and I got a whole case of Mountain Dew.”
Astrid grazes his chest with her fingers and loops her hands around his neck. His hips bump into hers and they touch foreheads.
“Thanks for thinking about my wants and needs.”
“Babe,” he says, lips ghosting over hers, “I’m always thinking about your wants and needs. Always.”
Goosebumps prick down her arms and she shivers again—this time just not from the cold. Tilting her head, she captures his mouth with hers, thanking him once again before heading downstairs hand in hand.
Despite Quinn’s attempts to make the most healthy, lame dinner possible, everything is delicious. From the salad to the dessert—some kind of mousse that tastes like chocolate but is probably a trick. There’s no way he’d actually eat real chocolate.
At least the wine is real.
When they’re finished, Astrid grabs the unused plate from the empty seat and says, “I’ll take him some.”
Draco leans over and drops an extra serving of mousse. “Trust me, he’ll want it.”
Those two and their strange, close relationship always surprises her. It shouldn’t, but both Draco and Casper are still a bit of a mystery to her—one she hopes to unravel a bit more during their time at the lodge.
They have Casper the bedroom on the main floor with a connecting office. It’s set up for tech, which is good because otherwise there’s no way he would have come. She walks down the hall and knocks on his door.
His voice is muffled on the other side. “W-w-what?”
“Hey,” she says, leaning on the door frame, “I brought you some dinner.”
There’s a pause. He’s still a little hesitant at times, but Astrid can sense him through the door. It’s a combination of his increased, nervous heartrate, the musk of his scent combined with anxiousness, and the eventual movement toward her that allows her to know he’s trying.
She fights a smile when he opens the door and looks from her face to the food and back again. There are large headphones over his ears.
“Th-th-thank you,” he says, grimacing at the stammer.
“You’re welcome.” She glances in the room behind him. “Want some company?” He takes the plate and shakes his head. “Okay, well, don’t think you’re hiding out in here the whole time, got it?”
Again, he just nods, cheeks slightly red. They were going to have to work through his insecurities. He was too important to hide away. He was one of them. Part of the team. She just needed a way to show him that.
“Call me if you need anything,” she says and he shuts the door.
This one is going to take some gentle care. Baby steps. But she’s got time and patience and has no doubt she’ll figure it out.
Owen insisted on game night, digging through the closet at the end of the hall. It seems odd for such a swank place to have the classics, but he pulls out an ancient Monopoly box and sets up the pieces while Quinn refills their wine glasses.
“Take the dog,” Draco says, pushing it towards her. He’s clutching the car in his hand.
“Harry Styles will be offended.” She snatches the thimble instead.
Quinn takes the top hat and Owen the dog. He holds it up and says, “I’m not worried about offending your cat.”
She and Quinn share a look, rolling their eyes. Owen’s still in denial about his cat love, although his façade is broken when he immediately says, “I really hope Mick remembers to roll up his cheese. Harry gets super pissed if you don’t.”
“Sounds to me like someone’s pussy-whipped,” Quinn mutters.
She snorts and even Draco cracks a smile, but Owen just glances at Astrid with the heat of a thousand suns and says, “There’s no denying that.”
The wine makes their tongues loose and the trash talk increases as the game gets moving. Two hours later, Draco owns half the hotels while Astrid only has a few. Owen can’t stay out of jail and Quinn is quietly hoarding money.
Owen rolls the dice and hits a four. He skips his dog across the squares and lands on Astrid’s priciest property.
“That’s five hundred,” she says.
He picks through his paper money. It’s obvious he doesn’t have enough.
“Don’t send me to jail again.”
“You need a loan?” Quinn the banker asks.
He considers it and Astrid takes a sip of her wine. An idea pops in her head. “How about an alternative?”
“What do you mean?” Owen asks.
“Well, I’ve always liked that sweatshirt. Maybe you can pay me with that?”
“That’s not in the rules—” Quinn starts but Owen holds up his hand, quieting him.
He stares at her with intense eyes. He knows what she’s getting at. Yeah, she wants his clothes. She wants him naked and she’ll bribe his sorry, Monopoly-playing ass to make it happen.
Draco quietly watches their exchange unfold.
There’s one more moment of thought before Owen stands, yanks the sweatshirt over his head and tosses it to her. She frowns when she sees the Elite t-shirt underneath.
Things go downhill from there.
“Babe, I’m going to have to ask for your shirt,” Owen says, in retaliation.
Astrid’s fingers touch the hem of her tank, the final barrier between her and sitting around in just her underwear. She already lost her pants, and with the guys triple-teaming her, she had little chance.
Sure, they spread their demands around a little. Both Owen and Quinn were bare-chested, and they’d each lost their socks. Interestingly, once clothing removal was the focus of the game, Owen had a massive comeback.
Now it’s almost midnight. Three bottles of wine are empty and the only one still wearing a respectable number of clothes is Draco. Astrid does the only thing she can. She removes her top, revealing the pink lace bra underneath.
After these months of getting to know these men more intimately, she’s used to the feeling of eyes on her—aroused eyes. Hungry eyes. Enamored eyes. It’s an amazing feeling, but having all three of them at once, like this? Her stomach flutters at the feeling.
With everything that’s gone on lately; losing her trust in Jensen, losing her sense of control with Rowe, the Swamp turning on her and her team…this? This feels nice. Knowing that at the snap of her fingers these men would do anything for her. Not just because of the lust rolling off of them like a category 5 hurricane, no, because they respect her. They trust her and in return, she has absolute faith in them.
She places both hands under the swell of her breasts and mocks their glazed eyes, “What? Like you haven’t seen my tits before.” Then she grabs the dice and drops them into Draco’s hand. It’s not without meaning when she says, “You’re next.”
There’s an unfamiliar but exhilarating thrill as Astrid walks out of the room in nothing but her bra and panties. The bottoms are stretchy little boy shorts and the rounded curve of her ass cheeks peek out tauntingly. It’s odd being aroused like this around two other men, none of them pretending to do anything but ogle.
Draco hasn’t fully reconciled the idea of sharing Astrid, but he’s determined to try. So far their intimacy has been confined to kisses and touch, but with every day and Astrid determined to drive him crazy, his resolve to take things slow is wavering. In fact, there was a moment or two during the game that he almost took her right there.
Draco knows, as he watches her hips sway with every step as she approaches the staircase, that when he and Astrid finally have sex he’ll take his time and he’ll enjoy every inch of her curvy, enticing body.
“Clean this up tomorrow?” Owen asks, breaking him from his thoughts. The man is shirtless and in boxer briefs and has never looked more comfortable. Draco, on the other hand, still has on an undershirt and his jeans.